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Sunday, November 22, 2009;

I love this song

Im pressing on the upward way,
New heights Im gaining every day;
Still praying as Im onward bound,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heavens table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

I want to live above the world,
Though Satans darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still Ill pray till Heavn Ive found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

2:29 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009;

Don never fails to humour me.

So he was the doorman on college day who opened the door to the hall.

This is what he said to me
"Ooh, i heard the news from dot and i was SO delighted! Good job kiddo! Couldnt have gone to a nicer guy."

Really made my day. :]

5:44 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009;


Here I am humbled by your majesty,
Covered by your grace so free.
Majesty, majesty,
your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in your hands.

Its been something that I've wanted for so long. Something i set my heart on for so long. There were many ups and downs especially with the huge down of A-levels. But here I am. If its one thing for certain, I know that im here not through my own strength. As I look back, I come to think that perhaps God used my A level results to tell me that He was the one who will always be in control and also serve as a reminder that if i got in, it was not through my own excellence or brilliance.

Thank You Lord. Thank you for blessing me with this wonderful opportunity. Lord, at this juncture I really want to thank you for placing so many people who made an impact in my life. Lord I thank You for Ms Chua and Mr Whitby who in their Lit classes taught me so much about life, I thank You for my parents who were so supportive and helpful throughout this whole time, especially my Dad for driving to sch and NUS to settle all my documents and stuff, I thank You for Charlyn who was always there for me, be it to provide a listening ear when I ranted or to give me good advised whenever I solicited for it. And not to forget, you O Lord. Lord, truly, I thank you for opening this door for me and Lord I pray that I will do my utmost for you and become a good Christian doctor that serves you. In Jesus' most precious name, Amen.

12:54 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009;

So someone created a Which NJC 05Ip Guy are You quiz.

Here are the write-ups:
You are the PZR!
You are PZR! You are the ah beng of the Ip Guys! You famously paid tons of money for a blonde highlight of your hair for Prom! You definitely have to cut down on your gayness! You are known for your famous "Idea, Idea"!

You are Captain Marvel! Mr Jeremy Yeo!
You are the Captain of the Softball Team Mr Jeremy Yeo! You'll give your life for the team and you work your ass off, yet your grades are top notch! You consistently top KI and Hist, even though exams are a week after Nationals and you've got a place waiting for you in Oxford Law. You are also known for certain random moments of whiteness perhaps influenced by your company. Your home is the secret hangout of the IP Guys and your room has on many occasions been stretched to the max!

You are FroggyTC!
You are the imba lan gamer! Godlike in CS and DoTA! Extremely quick sprinter and amazing midfielder with fantastic dribbling abilities to make defenders go nuts! You are very adventurous and you are the Vice President of OAC! You are the starter of the take picture with Gerard's stomach trend!

You are B3N da Man!
You are the Captain of the Squash Team and a true maverick! A very loyal friend and a very athletic person! Your house is another famous hangout and the location of many man utd matches and also the World Cup 2006 Finals. Host of Thomson Wylde! You are the first person to name the WhiteBoy's Tummy "Gerald"! You are the Master of Karaoke

You are the White Boy! Mr Gerard Andrew James!
You are the White Boy that everyone loves and adores. You have a belly that friends love to rub for good luck and you are known for white boy antics and jigs down the corridor. EPIC is the word to describe your whiteness! this is captured is the famous east vs west battle at the Oasis with the Cougar Warrior Mr Ernest Eu! The victim of numerous taupoks especially the now infamous PROM TAUPOK at Swissotel! The Small Guy with the Big Heart!

You are the Malaysian, Mr Johnson Lee!
You are Mr Johnson Lee! One of the pioneers of the frisbee craze and the only lucky homie who doesnt need to serve national service! You have endured countless scratches and cuts for your love of diving after frisbee! You are one imba shortstop and one hellofa bunter! You are known for your mischief and a famous prank involving the phone numbers on the softball board!

You are the Cougar Warrior! Mr Ernest Eu!
You are the Cougar Warrior, Mr Ernest Eu! You are known for witty knacks, being a kickass guitarist and for going through the craziness of Cougar Company, making it out alive and going to OCS! The other half of the EPIC East VS West Duel with the WhiteBoy! "Never has so much awesomeness been packed into someone so fun-sized."

You are WedJa!
You are the imba pitcher of the Softball Team! You are also a smooth talker with the ladies and always in on the latest gossip! You have the fastest 2.4km timing and you are one coool dude! You also like to shop and spend money!

You are the Policeman! Mr Tan Wei Liang!
You are the one, the only Tan WeeeeLiang! You're buff, strong and a ladies man! You are a good shopper and know where to get the best buys! You're one of the most "ON" policeman ever!

And for me,
You are Mr FiveStarFrogSplash, Mr Justin Leong!
You are the Captain of the Hockey Team, known for his passion, fire, aggression and the ability to deliver inspirational speeches! Scored a famous hat trick in his final game, yet missed his testimonial game because he overslept. Famous for starting the frisbee craze among the guys! Extremely lucky as he is the only guy to get into Police OCS! Also known for being on top of taupoks and performing gravity defying jumps on top of other people, one of them captured in slow motion during prom!

12:20 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009;

So police life has started and im home here now on a sunday morning. Cant say that police has been anything ive expected so far. On the contrary, its been very different in many aspects and Im still getting to grips with how things work and the level of standard expected. Perhaps its the not knowing of so many things that are leading to excessive and probably unnecessary worry and stress.

Honestly, we do get numerous privileges here. Shall list them to show myself
1) Free time from 7 or 730pm
2) We get to shower after morning pt before class
3) There's gonna be class to keep the mind sharp
4) Allowed to bring unlimited food in
5) 2 to a room with no lights out time
6) Mess food is pretty good
7) We dont get herded around, instead we move around through ics - messy at the moment but should get really neat when everything is sorted out
8) Friday bookouts - how can i forget this. Usually around 6pm
9) Late sunday night book-ins - 9pm
10) Lots of admin time esp after lunch and on friday

Not-so-good Things
1) Tough regimentation - Boots must be shined and clothes iron till crisp
2) Always rushing, esp for meals - eg.5-10mins for breakfast,15-20 mins for lunch.dinner
3) PT can be intensive (not yet, but i foresee it)
4) Very few christians. I think this is probably the toughest so far. Unlike in BMT when my section had bout 5 christians where albert was so devout and you can see BS and Aaron reading their bible sometime and I still remember Tedrid bringing in his christian lyrics
5) Actually, there arent really too many tough things.

Even though sometimes it gets me down and everything, I shall cling on and claim the promise that God has given me.

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13

Everything that is happening is happening for a reason in God's pleasing and perfect plan. So Lord, I pray that you give me the faith to trust in You always and knowing that you would only only only have the best in store for Your children. Lord, I commit everything in the impending week to you, my police and my medicine interview. Lord bless me and reveal yourself to me this week as your presence shines in my life. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

9:41 AM

Sunday, March 08, 2009;

And so A level results are done and dusted. Or maybe not so dusted if i submit the appeal for GP..

So many questions, so many doubts.
Its like, God, i worked so so hard. If you asked me if there was one more thing i could have done, i would simply look you straight in the eye and shake my head. Thats the truth. There wasnt one more thing that i could have done. I did so much, started so early, never slacked big time in JC and chionged at the end. I would like to think that i was actually relatively consistent. So why God, why? Why does it seem to me at the moment that the people who go out and get piss drunk or slacked for 1 year and 9 months or those who cut at least half the classes or did less than half the tutorials given get what i did not manage to get? I cried when i saw my results. Why, im not too sure myself. Maybe its expectation. I thought with all the effort, i would be on the list with 6 distinctions. I cried cos i choked in GP. My double 99th percentiles in CT and prelims just thrown right out the window in A levels. They dont count for anything now do they? I always thought i was a good student. Dorothy was there and she mentioned something bout exams and yea. Pops mentioned the same thing more or less too. But why God? I woke up at 730am on saturday morning. Just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for a good 20mins or so. Was it regret? No, i tried my best. I say that with confidence. It was a strange feeling knowing that i given of my best but somehow my best was not enough. There was bitterness as i thought of the other people. Anger perhaps. Injustice? I thought to myself. In my mind i just kept wondering. Why God? They say just do your best and leave the rest to God. It works out nicely in 2 circumstances. 1) You did well. = Thank you God. 2) You didn't try your best = Sigh, it was my fault, i should have tried harder. Problem is i was in neither. I struggled with my soul, struggled and thought Why God? Even as i write this on this sunday, I find myself still searching for acceptance within myself.

Pops says "dont worry, everything will be fine." I have his full support.
Charlyn says "dont worry, you did really well" and that she;s proud of me and most importantly, God has plans for me.

Surely, or for the lack of conviction at this present moment, perhaps, perhaps, God has a plan for me. I mean He definitely has cos he's mapped out everything. So at this juncture, my prayer is for an extra portion of trust. Trust that this is God's will. (I know its like DUH, if not it wouldn't happen. Then ill pray for acceptance). Trust that God has plans for me. Trust that everything happens for a reason and God knows. Trust, remember and believe that because God loves us (and Me) so much, he would only want the best for us.

So Lord, I thank you for supporting me throughout every step of my A level journey. I thank you for giving me strength the so many times i asked for it. Lord, at this point, I confess my sins of feeling angry against you. Lord, forgive me for my lack of faith in your divine plan and trying to use my own mortal, finite and human mind to map out my own destiny. Lord, forgive me for having thoughts that You wronged me for these are just childish and immature thoughts. So Lord, I pray for trust. I pray that You help me to accept my result and accept that whatever happens will happen not by chance or not because You lost control of the situation but solely and solely because it is part of your divine plan. Lord, I just want to commit my future into your hands and i pray that you bless me and annoint me with trust, patience and understanding as i seek Your will for my life. In Jesus' most precious name, Amen.

6:08 PM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009;

Enlisting on friday.

Keep me in your prayers.

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13

10:46 PM