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Jaded Designs

Tuesday, November 29, 2005;

Came back from class chalet on Fri. Took a really long time to get back man. Like 1.5 to 2 hrs? Class chalet was great even though not that many people managed to come.

Thanks to all who did! Gerard, Daniel, Terence, Rayshio, Hsuan Te, Jiayi, Ben, Jessica, Melody, Xin Yuan, Diana, Charlyn, Basil. Spare me if I missed out anyone. Great people made for great times. The 3 days were a bag of laughs. Got to know people better. Certainly something that I'll remember for a while.

Couple of random things from class chalet:
1) Coming back from 5 or 6 balls behind to beat Ben in pool
2) There's tighter stuff in Terence's closet than his pants
3) Being shot 3 times by Charlyn in murderer when she wasn't the murderer
4) The aura of rayshio's goalpost when playing soccer
5) Gerard and his singing antics

Ranging from the honest to the hilarious, these moments and memories will last a long time.

Leeds won their third match in a row. 1-0 win over millwall. Getting really excited about our promotion hopes. Hope we do enough to get automatic promotion. A playoff defeat would be such a heartbreaker.

Been watching a couple of movies these few days. City of Angels, War of the Worlds, A Lot Like Love. War of the Worlds has one of the corniest endings I've ever seen man. The aliens just die and the whole family is reunited in Boston. LOL. The 2 other movies arent too bad. City of Angels is nice. The last scene was beautiful. The movie was more or less bout making choices and how the consequences of these choices affect yourself and the people around you.

The holidays have so far been rather relaxing and enriching for me. Having a good time.

Songs playing
1) Fix You by Coldplay
2) Come Back Down by Lifehouse

Beautiful songs. The Fix You video is excellent too.

That's all for today.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try

To fix you

Goodbye and Goodnight.


12:25 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2005;

ROY KEANE has quit man u. Surprise? Guess it was just a question of when. He would probably have left in june nx yr or maybe even in January. But reading deeper into this move, this would be extremely important for the next batch of players. To put it simply, there were 2 sides in this situation. Roy Keane VS The Five Criticised Players. Ferguson sided with the 5, representing the future of the club against roy keane, who would have represented the past of the club. It was a bold move by Ferguson and it just goes to show, when you go head-on with ferguson, you lose. There have been countless examples over the years, namely Jaap Stam, Dwight Yorke, David Beckham etc. The gaffer always wins. I’ll love to read Keane’s next autobiography.

Moving on to the world cup playoffs. Shocking scenes. Turkey just seems to be hell whenever foreign teams go there. Boisterous, rowdy and violent crowd. They just pelted the pitch with missiles aimed at the Swiss. Coins, lighters, water bottles etc. And if that wasn’t enough, it was reported that a few Turkish players and even police officials attacked the Swiss players in the tunnel. And yes, of course Alpay Ozalan was involved. One of his ex-teammates at Aston Villa even remarked that he’s one who would even be able to start a fight in an empty room. Haha. But on a more serious note, a swiss player was hospitalized after suffering a perforated urinary tract caused by a kick. This is sheer thuggery and FIFA should meet out the most serious punishment that they can give. Its not so bad if players hack each other on the field and shout crap to each other on the field, as long as they leave these things on the pitch once they leave, whilst not necessary being the best of friends, but holding each other in high regard and mutual respect. Who knows that maybe when they’re in their 60s, they’ll be sipping champagne together and laughing at all those incidents they did when they were younger.

Definitely not been doing enough fitness work these days… The last thing I want to do is to resume hockey nx yr in a shitty physical state. Cause you’ll definitely not enjoy the game as much. Guess ill need to find more self motivation to work out on my own. I’ll definitely have to push myself, and without a doubt it’ll pay off next yr. Hopefully. Cant afford to always be a laggard.

Been playing squash a lot these days, played for 3 consecutive days in fact. Squash is fun man. Hammering a black rubber ball against a wall. You can hear it when you hit a nice shot. Just like hockey. You can hear a good hit. Guess one of the reasons why im enjoying squash so much is that theres no pressure. Just play for fun, get a few gd hits, a few screwups. No worries.

Today’s been such a great day with Leed’s victory. Couldn’t have asked for more. I’ll remember it for a long time. Simply Brilliant. Promotion would be even sweeter. Can't wait for that to happen. It’s gonna be a reality. We’ll Be Back… to stay.

Come' on Lads!

11:09 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2005;

Haven't updated in a while. Many things have happened. Been wanting to talk about this for a while, but haven't had the time to do so. Its pretty late by now, but yeah, about the Man Utd vs Chelsea game, why the big hype, why the big elation on the part of man utd fans? In all fairness, it wasn't a bad game and man utd certainly upped their game after a couple of poor performances. But the truth is, for a match between two teams of such stature, it was rather inconsequential. Not like these 2 teams were neck and neck in the title race where a win would have been of utmost importance. Chelsea could actually afford to lose this match with no serious repercussions. That's just the gulf between these 2 teams.

There's lots of good bands on the market nowadays. Got a couple of great BFB songs from charlyn. Good emo rock. Somehow their style bears an uncannily similarity to MCR and The Used. The Rasmus also released an album not too long ago, a bit heavier and more aggressive than Dead Letters, but sounds great nonetheless.

Can you guess the full names of the bands from the abbreviations below? Each letter is the first letter of a word.

AS (But more commonly abbreviated as A7X) -
TR -
SA -

Tag if you can get all of them!

Elaine caught glimpses of more Mormons again. Haha. If it's one thing that I admire about them, it has to be their dedication, albeit for a twisted ideology. Talk about outreach, evangelism etc., these people are showing how its to be done.

The website below is an extremely interesting dialogue between Mormon missionaries and some other people.

Note the politeness of the Mormon and the statement below.

Mark: As I was saying Peter, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that there is only one God, that there is a Trinity, and that we are saved by grace.

Sounds ok? Its how they define the terms that makes the difference. Read on.

That's all for today. U2 songs have great lyrics. Why? Below is a quote by Bono

If you're writing songs, there are two things that you just don't
write about: politics and religion. We write about both.

11:56 PM

Friday, November 04, 2005;

Finally managed to upload the H.A.L.O. pics on imagestation.


Played FM for a large part of the day. FM is extremely laggy on my comp man. Currently in a bad run of results... Depressing. Got no funds to bring in new players, so I'll just have to stick it out with this bunch of players.

There's been a lot of talk on the Roy Keane issue, on whether or not it was right for him to lambast his fellow teammates. Well, Keane's the cap and he was a good player, and I'm certain Alex Ferguson would want Keane over any other player to do it if it had to be done. But to go public with his criticism, even naming 5 specific players and condemning them... Thats a bit extreme. Personally, I believe that the issue here is not so much the strong condemnation of his teammates, but rather the fact that he wanted to go public with it. I'm sure that if you install mikes in the dressing rooms of teams, there'll probably be tirades much stronger and abusive than that. But the impt thing is that, that's where it belongs. Whatever happens there should be left there. Its meant for the players and should be left for the players to hear, not the media.

Oh yeah, another impt point that most pple always forget in game situations. Its not how something is said, its what is being said that's important. Things can get heated up and some people are just more expressive, but that doesn't mean that what they say is not valid. Its impt to take these things positively. :)

Stopped listening to pop for a long time, but Westlife just released a new album and quite surprisingly the song "That's Where You Find Love" is not bad. Played a couple of The Ataris and All American Rejects songs today. They're quite good too. :)

Chorus of "That's Where You Find Love"
It's where the stars line up
It's where the oceans touch
It's in a place you've never been
But feels like home
It's in the air right now
It's when you give your all
And give a little more
I've never been so sure
That's where you find love

8:18 PM

Thursday, November 03, 2005;

Had class bbq on tuesday night. Played a little GTA: San Andreas, ate and then went to watch The Longest Yard at night. Nice movie. Quite hillarious too. Mr Cheng made an appearance halfway through. But he seemed to have left something at home. See below.

Haha. Guess he forgot to bring along his blink-blink. Found out that we are not gonna split classes next yr. Thats great! Must really try to organise a soccer competition nx yr. It'll definetly be great fun.

Had induction the next day. Went to school rather early. Met the juniors and there were quite a few SJI chaps. The games were rather fun and it was nice to bring them about. In the course of the games, some really fantastic people really stood out. Great to see that. Quite an uplifting moment that day. Of course there were others with more unique characters. But well, thats for 06IP05. Hope that they would have a really great time together over the next few years and hopefully there will be a few shining lights from there. :)

12:27 PM