Saturday, March 15, 2008;
Things have been going just a little rocky the last couple of days. On another note, BB today was great. :] Quite excited to see what more is in store and rather eager to go for that officer course. Haha. Its really fun and meaningful interacting with those kids and it really makes my saturday mornings. Soccer is fun as usual, but doing the serious "work" stuff with the kids is a wee bit of a challenge. Of course, making them run and making them think it is a race sure helps to entertain them and tire them out a little. (Inspired by the "Again. Again." scene from The Miracle if you know what im refering to)
BB aside, I'm delighted to make my find of the year in terms of food places. (Quality and price) Managed to find a top-notch dim sum buffet for $11.80 only. Shall return there sometime again this year but not anytime near cos Dim sum is not something you can eat regularly without getting bored. Haha.
Quite a chunk of work left to do in the next two days, so pedal to the medal!
1:22 PM